
Work, work, work, work

I busted my ass all day yesterday doing the honeydos. I hung over 30 different pictures, towel racks, shelves, etc. The daughter was at the in-laws yesterday so we got a lot of shit done around the house not having to watch every move of a toddler. I pulled all the kristmas shit out from underneath the house- all seven fucking bins of the shit. I hate x-mas because I have do drag all that shit out, help hang all of it up and then help take it all down in about two weeks and put all the shit back up. It wouldn't be so bad if there was only one little bin of that shit but we have seven of those big fucking plastic bins full of kismas crap. I even went to pick up the krismas tree (a waste of $40) and took in the recycling. I fucking hate crimmus.

After doing all I felt kinda guilty cuz I know I should have been working on business stuff. Still haven't finished the damn inventory valuations. I tried to work on them some even tonight but I am too damn tired.

The daughter was in such a bad mood. I guess it is a 22 month's old right to be pissy, but she refused to get in her high chair and refused to eat. When I put her in the high chair, she stiffened up and slid down between the tray and the seat so that just her head was poking out from the tray. She was wailing. I didn't feel like fucking with it so I picked her up and put her on my lap and I ate and she watched.

She didn't want to brush her teeth and didn't want to get dressed in her pajamas. We had put a robe on her and she didn't want that to be taken off so I could put on the pajamas. Boy am I in for a treat when I have three kids like that at one time. It is a wonder my parents didn't kill me.

I still feel like shit. Snot and coughing don't make for good sleep. Okay my whining session is over.

1 comment:

kelsci said...

Some winning procession, Fid. I laughed my head off reading this. I think I am going to send a copy of this to my friend out in Iowa for a good laugh. For a frustrated person you sure can write funny. Acutally, I think that blogging is good therapy since it allows you to WRITE about your frustrations.