
Zoo and Misc Stuff

Okay I look drunk in this picture, but really I am still reeling from the impact of having twins and I just had thought about how much two weddings will cost in another 35 years (one year after the age both of my daughters will start dating).

Today we took Lolo and the twins to the local Zoo. Lolo had a blast feeding the giraffe and camels. She really liked the camel with two humps. Normally I like two humps as well but I will probably have to wait until the twins get out of my bed for that to happen.

I am not real thrilled with this local zoo which is really a farm that has exotic animals. Most of them are caged and don't have a lot of room to move. I think in a way it is cruel. It was just too damn hot at the zoo for the twins so we didn't stay long.

The twins are becoming more and more alert. Atticus is the more fussy of the two. They are both breastfeeding and bottlefeeding since the wife thinks she does not make enough milk for both of them.

Now the wife is letting me sleep through the night every night. She is taking them to bed with her and rolling from one side to the other all night to feed them both.

Lolo is still not showing signs of potty training. She still requests to inspect her brown diaper artwork at every change. We hope that will change soon since she is now enrolled in a summer pre-school program and will have peers that actually don't poop in their pants.

Lolo didn't have school this week due to the 4th holiday. It sure is tough on the wife to have all three at home with no help. We must find her some help during the week when it is her vs. the three chillins (or youngerns as the folks around the parts say).

We (the whole family) made a trip to Target on Sunday. What a freaking ordeal. I made the mistake of taking Lolo out of the shopping cart. She immediately started pulling shit off the racks and throwing it on the floor (did I expect andything different?). Trying to get her back in the shopping cart was no easy feat and involved screaming, whining and crying. When we got to checkout, Lolo decided to lose her shyness and talked to the cashier for about five minutes. She told her about how she was going to the beach. The cashier asked her when and Lolo replied "I'm going to the beach in August" It was like she was acutally having a conversation. I like to think that this means she is really advanced for her age of 2.5 years.

Happy 4th of July!

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