
Sugar in the Bed Makes LoLo a Sweet Girl

Up to this point I have feigned opportunities to mention my loved one's by name lest someone out there recognizes me and secretly plots to destroy my family. But we can now call the daughter Lolo.

Lolo refused to take a nap today upon arriving home after a round of tortuous car-shopping. Thus she was really tired a cranky. After smearing spaghetti all over her entire body during spaghetti rasslin (a.k.a dinner) I gave Lolo a bath in order for the amusement of turning the bathwater a slight tinge of red (Jesus ain't the only one who can change the color of water).

So bedtime finds Lolo really tired and if you don't know how much fun two year olds are when they are really tired please switch lives with me. Pretty please. Lolo refused to sit on my lap for her bedtime story and spied a bag with hearts all over it on top of her dresser. I had no clue what was in the bag but she sure did. After tantrum #37 I pulled the bag down and gave it to the violent flurry of limbs flailing and pounding the carpet at my feet.

Alas in the bag was a tootsie-pop or kiddie cocaine as I like to call it. She cradled the unopened tootsie pop in her arms like a gallon jug of nitroglycerine and looked at me with those piercing teary eyes and said "Daddy, don't take away. Please Daddy don't take away." Little miss manipulation continued her pleas over and over again until I relented and put her in the crib with the unopened tootsie pop. I figured the worst that could happen is that she choke in her sleep on it. So being the caring dad I am I left her with the tootsie pop and promised myself to check on her ever 3 minutes and shuffled out of the room with Lolo saying "Nite nite Daddy."

After about 10 minutes I went back into the room and approached the crib slowly. When I got to the crib she threw up her hand wielding the almost whole tootsie pop like a victory torch and said "Daddy, take away." Apparently she had her fill of sugar for the minute. As I took it out of her hands she said "hands sticky, daddy. Lolo lick not bite sucker, Lolo lick not bite daddy." Her mother has taught her well that a tootsie roll can last more than two licks.

And so was my manipulation for the day.

1 comment:

Kristie said...

ahh..the joy of a cranky 2 year old. what fun. And to have 2 more on the way...not for me, thanks!! Good luck with it all and thanks for stopping by my site.