
All Play and no Work Makes the Fid a poor boy

You see, it has seemed like all work- and when it seems that way it means that you don't enjoy what you are doing enough.

I can change that though. I am trying to hire a Controller to take away the financial compilation functions of my job.

Also I am in the process of getting proforma statements put together to take to the bank in order to investigate the potential of obtaining a loan in order to buy out the other owners of the business I am running. Exciting to me but urine fodder to everyone else.

The countdown is on- only 29 more days until the screaming duo arrives to take away my sleep and what is left of my sanity - but I wouldn't have it any other way

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Came by to say HI and thanks for the good wishes you left me on my blog. Haven't been able to type for a while but have been visiting regularly. Counting down the days ... hope all in your brood are well. Loving your stories - really make me laugh!