
Foot Fetish Female vs. Poopie

The daughter still has a thing for toe cheese- so much so that she now has athlete's foot. We had to get a prescription antifungal medication to get this problem under control. I really don't want to know where she puts those feet. She also still has her see poopie fetish as well along with a new hobby of killing ants.

Finally got the financials completely straightened out and things look really good for this fiscal year (ends Aug 31) I am going to need this excellent performance and the resulting bonus because the wife is looking at new houses. I guess a 1700 sqft house is not big enough for a family of five.

So we are proceeding with this bachelor party for my testicleless friend without him. We are heading to the beach for my second bachelor party in two weeks. I think I better leave my wallet at home.

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