
Tonight while I was trying to get the daughter to sleep, I had her in my arms on my chest and she slept a little. It became time to change her so I took her to the nursery and put her on the chaninging table. The wife was beat from all day with the daughter so she was sleeping. While I was changing the daughter's diaper I noticed that her dried stub of an umbilical cord had fallen off.

I couldn't find it in her cloths or on the changing table. I eventually found it on the floor in front of the couch. It was kind of a yellow almost transparent color where the clip had been and on the other end it was black where it had been attached to the navel.

Being the sicko I am, I took pictures and will put them on Snapfish.

I hope we all sleep better tonight than last night. The two beers I had did me in. I woke up at 3:00 am and didn't sleep very well after that. The wife was up and down all night.

Tomorrow is another day.