
I am leaving for Honduras tomorrow. I really don't want to go and leave my family here. Also it is getting more dangerous down there by the day. Some of my Honduran friends have moved to the US to find a better and safer life for their children.

The daughter had ups and downs today. I discovered that she liked the baby carrier yesterday. We took her for a walk yesterday using the Baby Björn carrier (straps the baby on to your cheast) and again today. She sleeps when she is in motion.

She fed tonight and the wife just couldn't get her to stop crying after the feeding. Her stools are all green now instead of the wife. That concerns us along with the blood in the stool. I am hoping everything goes smoothly tomorrow at the doctor with her barium enema. I am really keeping hoping (since I don't pray to a myth) that there is nothing wrong with the daughter.

Mother and baby are sleeping right now. London will not sleep for a long period of time without being held so she has been cosleeping with us for the past two nights.

I am already ready to come home.