
Today was my first day back at work since the birth of the daughter. I was innundated as usual. I had several large problems to deal with and a very unique problem that will call for legal action. But that is not what this blog is about.

The wife said she had a good day with the daughter at home all by herself. Apparently the daughter fed a little more frequently than before and she didn't stay at the breast for long enough for a couple of feedings. I decided to come on home at about 5:15 pm. When I got home the wife was standing there with the daughter clutched in her arms swaying back and forth trying to get London to sleep. She put the daughter in the bassinette for a much needed nap and we talked for a while.

That didn't last for very long. the daughter was up fussing again. The wife took her and I threw the dinner that the wife had prepared in the oven (Salmon with twice baked pototoes). The wife got the daughter back down for a period so she could eat.

After we were finished eating, it was time for the daughter to eat. She was stirring around and making those grunting noises like she does when she is ready to get pissed off. I picked her up and changed her lightly soiled diaper. She was fine during the diaper change- she really likes to be diaperless. I threw another diaper on her and the wife sat in the glider to feed her. She fed for a while but became really choked at the left breast. This is something that she really hasn't done before.

Well she stirred and really didn't feed well until she had a huge rectal explosion. I changed the diaper again and handed her to the wife. She fed better now.

After she fed, I took her and rocked her to try to get her to go to sleep. The wife brought me the CD that I burned for her last night. It is a 69 minute sound bit of our kitchen sink faucet running. That seems to put her at ease.

I rocked her for at least 45 minutes to try to get her to sleep. She never made it to the deep sleep where her breathing pattern is slower and more consistent. She still had that rapid breathing going, so I knew she wasn't in a deep sleep but I put her in the basinnette anyway. As of this writing at 11:15 pm she is still asleep.

Because I am a very fortunate person, I got two beers and sat my butt in our spa. I haven't been in there all winter. I sat there and pondered about how fortunate and lucky I am. Look at what I have! A great house in a great neighborhood, an awesome ski boat, a Volvo, a Dodge Ram, a second house in the mountains, a rental house for extra expense coverage, and best of all a great loving wife and beautiful daughther.

I have no reason to complain!