My daughter seems to be stabilizing into some sort of a routine- we think. Tamara has had two good nights with her where she got up only twice to feed. She still gets pretty damn fussy during the day with bouts of crying that seem to have no cause- maybe gas.
Nevertheless, she slept well today while I was at work and we are keeping our fingers crossed that she does well tonight. I was really concerned for the wife and the lack of sleep. For a few nights she was getting almost no sleep- maybe a total of an hour. Plus, during the day she was not getting any sleep because the daughter was up all day being fussy. We thought babies her age were supposed to sleep 18 hours a day. Not the daughter!
Well she is doing better and tonight she had her first bath since the day she was born. The wife lined the sink with towels and I got her undressed. The wife bathed her while she cried and I took pictures.
Every day is an adventure.