
Skiing for the second time and Miscellaneous Rablings

Lolo skied for the second time on Tuesday. She did such a great job! I bought her a private lesson that lasted an hour then she went up the slope called Easy Street with me about five times. She loves skiing.

A-man really wanted to ski too but he is too damn young. Maybe next year he will be able to go.

My business sucks big ones. Orders for our manufactured goods went from an average of 11,000 dozen in September 2007 to an average of about 3,000 dozen this past week. If this keeps up I am quite possibly fucked. I will have to lay off more people and do some drastic downsizing. The economy really, really sucks.

I am listening to Kiss 95.1 in Charlotte. I have been listening to it for about 5 hours while working around the house outside. I washed both Volvos and cleaned out the garage. This damn radio station has played the same songs repeatedly over and over. I hate top 40 radio.

The kids are at the in-laws right now. They went down there yesterday and the wife and I had a night out on our own. We just went to a local Mexican restaurant and then came back home and crashed.

The water heater in our Mountain House is dead and will need to be replaced.

We have friends coming over tonight. Two couples and their kids. Wow, it is nice to have somewhat of a social life every now and then.

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