
Twins are a Tub of Fun

Adrienne and Atticus absolutely love playing in the water.

They both say Kih Kih for Kitty and Arienne says Bah for ball. Atticus somewhat understands no. When we tell him NO (which is about every two minutes) he shakes his head from side to side in the NO fashion.

I had them out on the tennis court (in our backyard) today and Adrienne was on London's little tricycle and she got off balance and took a header on to the hard court surface. As we say in the south "She skunt up her nose." In the space of about 30 minutes she managed to his her head three times. The other times were a direct fall while walking on the patio and she was playing with Atticus (he was in the doors of the gas grill... real safe huh) and she shut the grill door on her head.

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