
Southern Fried Everything

People in the area where I live deep fry everything. I have tasted foods that should never be fried much less deep fried like pickles, cake, twinkies, and now the next big thing to eat here is deepfried yeast rolls. I would rather eat the ass-end out of a skunk with rigormortis.

The only thing I really like deep fried is a whole turkey. You can peel off the skin and eat the nongreasy breast that has had all the delicious juices locked in by the deep frying process and it picks up a hint of the peanut oil flavor. Other than that, nothing else should be deep fried.

People in the area where I live have no clue what real lettuce is. Lettuce to them is iceberg lettuce. Iceberg lettuce sucks. It is like eating nutritionless crunchy water. Give me spinach, romaine or baby greens any day.

People here only eat white bread which I consider to be a nutritionless and tasteless white fluff. Go to a grocery store and there are maybe two different types of whole grain bread and about twenty different brands and types of white bread.

Gee. I wonder why seven out of ten people in the South are overweight. Maybe it has something to do with the garbage that they put into their bodies.

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