
Sickness Descends Upon the Family

Adrienne and Atticus both are sick with ear infections. Neither are sleeping very well. Atticus was up frequently last night and has already been up at least three times crying tonight as of this writing at 11:00. He can't breathe through his nose and he is so dependent on his pacifier that when he can't breathe through his nose and has to breathe through his mouth he can't suck on teh pacifier and gets really pissed off that he doesn't have that comfort.

Adrienne has a skinned nose and an ear infection. She fell twice- once on the tennis courts and once in the sunroom. Both times she landed on her face- the second time there was plenty of blood.

I am getting some sort of funk in my head and sinuses with a cough and Tamara doesn't feel so great either. At least Lolo feels fine.

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