
Nancy Muniz

In Memory of Nancy Muniz

Age 45 on 9-11-01


Dedicated to her son

Well-liked friend to many



Non-extremist religious views

A life that goes a long way in offsetting the cruelty of the rest of the world

If there is a glorious afterlife...
If there is a supreme being...

May you realize the ultimate kindness.


Karmyn R said...

Nice tribute- I'm glad you participated! Mine is posted too

Pamela said...

So many tributes... so little time.

Heather said...

Simple, Special, thank you - for sharing Nancy.

I remember Steven Hagis

Heather said...

Simple, Special, thank you - for sharing Nancy.

I remember Steven Hagis

Shannon said...

thanks for being a part this today

Raggedy said...

Wonderful Tribute!
Thank you.
These are sad and hard to read....
I am honored to be a part of this project.
Mine is posted also...

The 2996 link is down. I have a new link on my site to view the participants.

Bless you…

kateandjona said...

Thank you for sharing your tribute to Nancy.

Jonathon's Closet remembers Robert Levine.

Ray said...

A fine tribute to Nancy you've given us, thank you.

Please see Mr. Eddie A. Dillard here if you wish, and thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for honouring Nancy.

Mine is up.