
Morons Dining out on the sabbath

The opinion pages in our local paper have been kind of interesting lately. There are people in this town who go out to eat in restaurants on sundays and instead of leaving a monetary tip they leave a card that reads "Here is a tip: it is immoral to work on Sundays." A woman wrote to the paper saying that she gets at least one of these cards every time she works sundays. Of course there was not short supply of bible thumpers writing to the editor saying that they too refuse to leave money as tips on sundays.

Things like this get my brains boiling. Although I have never waited tables, I have always understood that waiting tables is a job where one depends on tips. I think most rational people understand this as well. The trouble starts with totally absurd interpretations of the bible.

If it is immoral to work on sunday then how is it moral to actually support those who do? Why go to a restaurant to eat with all those immoral people working there?

I guess if you were driving your car to church on sunday (a potentially imorral act in itself) and were broadsided by an immoral trucker delivering food to the grocery store, you should be left to die in your crumpled car because it is immoral for the EMT to come to your rescue. If somehow you were able to drag your closed minded ass out of your vehicle and an immoral power company employee on his way to restore power that keeps the heart and lung machines running at the hospital stops to give you a lift to the nearest emergency room, there would be no doctors at the hospital to treat you because it is a sin to work on sunday.

I would also have to assume that the preacher at church preaches for free every Sunday. No doubt that he preacher's contract stipulates that his or her compensation is only for Monday through Saturday. Also the assistant pastor, music director and janitor would be working gratis as well.

I have nothing against people who have blind faith from religious spirituality but I do have a lot against people who apply their blind faith as justification for hypocrisy. Living in the bible belt I see way too much of this.

I used to have this emblem on my car. A good many people had no clue as to the meaning. They didn't like my explanations either.

I could go on and on but I have to be fully awake in five hours and chances are that I will have to change a few diapers between now and then.


Anonymous said...

It always AMAZES me, how in our attempts - and I find it quite hard - to find a balance between our spirituality and how to keep the real world turning, - people are judgmental. Is this not a contradiction in terms of what it is we are trying to achieve? What the f*ck are people doing in restaurants in the first place, on the sabbath - again, isn't this contrary to how they should be spending their sabbath?

Thank you for your comments below about BUSH AND THE STEM CELL SITUATION. I don't care for politics, but this point really labels him a complete and total idiot and makes me so angry.

I was thrilled to read you are getting a nanny as I am sure the workload in your home is enormous. If this is turning into a Daddy Blog, it is a pretty cool one and I always enjoy the read. Could we please have some recent twin pics?

Thanks for visiting me recently.

Karmyn R said...

You could go on and on with more examples of Christians NOT living up to the example that the Bible sets; Hypocrisy and such

I just wish everyone would just mind their own fucking business most of the time and let people LIVE like they want to...

A nanny? or are you going to try a Manny like Brittney Spears? HA!

BurtB said...

Why are stupid christians somehow representative of all Christians?

When stupid Atheists do irresponsible or hypocritical things, does this prove that "if you do not know God, you have no common sense" ?

I can round up 100 Christians that would ridicule these "christian" hypocrites.

The bible says: "Do not put a stumbling block in front of the blind". Lev 19:14

Therefore; If these hypocrites believe the waiter is "blind" of the fact that one should not work on the Sabbath (a law God actually gave to Jews, not to non-Jews) they are guilty of causing these people to sin. Further, they do not have the courage to use this self-serving tactic regarding the payment of the actual bill for the meal.

Today, Orthodox Jews do not use money on their Sabbath (Friday sundown till Saturday sundown). They have been taught by their Rabbi's not to use money on the Sabbath. I wonder if these christians have been told by their priest (or minister) to hand out these cards?

Humans look for excuses. Christians are humans. These humans looked for an excuse, rather than pay additional money for their meal. They show that they love their money more than they love their fellow man.