
Learning to read

Lolo is really reading very well.  She now has books that she reads to me.  Like One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish- she can't read the whole book but she can read a good amount of it.

I sat down with Atticus tonight and read Clip Clop to him.  He was picking out letters and pointing to them and saying them.  He is recognizing a lot of the alphabet such as A, I, W, M, P, S and T.  He probably knows others but that is all we got to tonight. He shows interest in learning the alphabet.

His twin sister on the other hand really shows almost no interest.  She marches to the beat of her own drum for damn sure.  She likes the wife's chicken and dumplings that she makes.   When she asks for the wifes chicken and dumplings she calls it chickling and dumplings.  She still calls a bathing suit a babe in soup and she loves to call me and other people "Stiky Pants"

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