
Kickstart my heart

So I had this irregular heartbeat thing called atrial fibrillation. With this condition there is a chance of blood clotting in the heart since the atria aren't pumping correctly (they are actually kind of quivering). In order to lessen the chance of blood clots the doctor put me on Lovenox injections which is a anticoagulant. Thank beezulbub they were subcutaneous.

Monday I went to the hospital where I normally go to get this corrected (Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem) and they once again jabbed me with an IV- the first try the vein ran away from the poor nurse. The second try a doctor shot some lidocane in my arm- thank you, much better.

Then they just threw the Brevital to me and it was like I blinked my eyes and I was back in rhythm. I had no physical clue that they walloped me with thousands of volts to restart my heart besides two burns where the patches were attached. I really wouldn't want to be awake for that.

I feel so much better to be back in sinus rhythm. It is a good day to be alive.

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