
Bad boy today

I really fucked up today. I was supposed to pick Lolo up from kindergarten at 3:00 PM. I neglected to write the appointment in my calendar so my crackberry will buzz me that I have something to do. So I was immersed in work on a phone call and completely spaced it until the wife called me. When I answer the phone here is the conversation verbatim:

Me: Hello
The wife: I am so mad at you. You better leave RIGHT NOW and get your ass to Concordia to pick your daughter up. She has been crying.
Me: I'm leaving right now.

When I got there she was not crying (thank Zeus) and talking to a woman who turns out to be an old classmate of mine. Lolo was in good spirits and was happy. I apologize profusely to her but she said: Daddy, even though you forgot to pick me up I still love you.

Gee I wonder where she got that from?

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