
Valentines Day - Just Another Sexless Day

No Nookie for The Fid. The wife is so tired every night after taking care of three hellions that she is just not in the mood. I can't blame her for her lack of drive. That is just the way it it. Children do that to you. I am back to being a professional abstainer.

Adrienne briefly stood up for about three seconds without holding on to anything about two days ago. He hasn't done it since.

Adrienne continues to be a very happy girl. She is really good at patty-cake. Atticus does this too. The other day they sat down face to face and both patty-caked together. They are now entertaining each other and starting to play together. Adrienne always seems to get the upper hand and Atticus always seems to be pissed off. We think it is teething. He still doesn't have any teeth. Adrienne has two bottom teeth and she likes to use them when Atticus sticks his hand in her mouth.

The wife left the ignition on in the Expedition Monday night and it absolutely killed the battery. So I bought her a battery for Valentines day. Maybe that is why I am not getting laid. She baked me a cake for Valentines day and I bought her a car battery. Damn I am a romantic devil.

Took Lolo to the pediatric urologist yesterday. They did an ultrasound on her kidneys and bladder and found everything to be anatomically fine with those organs. We have scheduled her for a VCUG (catheter, fill bladder with die that shows on X-ray, lay still and try to urinate) which will be very difficult for all concerned.

Did I mention that I have not had sex in over two months? Maybe I can do more to get the wife "in the mood". I thought that I would have gotten some when we went away two weekends ago and stayed at our mountain house. Maybe Spanish Fly will help. Maybe Russell Crowe can help. I bet she would get in the mood if he was there for the taking. Russell, give me a call dude. I have a mission for you.

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