
Sleep when I'm Dead

[Whine mode on]

It has been a while since I last updated this sorry-assed blog. I think it has something to do with moving all our shit from one house to another, me traveling out of the country once again, taking care of two sick 6 month hold babies and trying to get rid of two of my seven mortgages.

So we have this big assed house for which we traded our future financial security. I have this pissed off customer who required an emergency trip out of the country right in the middle of trying to get moved from our hold house to the new one. I have these two 6 month old babies who both have viral infections and cannot sleep for more than two hours at a time. I have this almost-three-year-old daughter who is pissed off that she can't go sleep in "her" house. And lastly but certainly not leastly I have this overstressed, overworked, delerious from lack of sleep wife who somehow still manages to keep it all together. She also managed to pack all of our shit up in boxes and arranged the movers to get all of our shit moved while I was away on the ass-kissing business trip.

Turns out Atticus has an ear infection on top of his viral infection and Adrienne has a dust mite allergy (our new house has carpet.. er I mean a dust mite orgy motel.. in all the bedrooms). I knew twins were going to be tough but HOLY SHIT I never thought it would be this difficult. What doesn't make you totally insane will make you stronger. But I think I am on the fringe of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

[Whine mode off]

Well at least I have started to lose my certification of professional abstainer. Is there a full moon out?

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