
Damn, the daughter smiled about a week and a half ago for the first time! She has had some rough days. The wife has been sleeping with the daughter in the bed so they both can get some rest. the daughter has a lot of gas very frequently and it makes her very fussy.

Yesterday was a difficult day for the wife and the daughter. When the daughter cries most of the day it breaks the wife's heart and makes them both iritable. The wife has been reading all these books - specifically The Baby Book by Dr. Sears, Babywise by Ezzo and the Baby Whisperer by Hogg. She says the books just make her feel inadequate. So we are finding out that the best thing to do is what works for us. Sears says sleep with your baby, the other two day don't. Ezzo says let the baby cry herself to sleep and Sears says this will make the baby feel unsecure and unloved. Hogg says to pick the baby up every time it cries and then put it down in the crib right after she goes to sleep and repeat this process as many times as it takes to get you daughter sleeping throught the night. Hogg says not to use a swing because it is a substitute for holding the baby. I guess she expects us to continue to hold the baby 24/7.

Right now the daughter is sleeping in the swing and she has been there for two and a half hours. We are amazed that she is still quiet, happy and asleep. Two nights ago I held the daughter while she had some pretty bad gas pains. Her body writhes uncontrollably and she screams when she has these pains. Once she blows out a good fart she quites down immediately- just as she did the other night. But it is difficult to see her twising and kicking because it is hard to hold her and you know she is in pain.

I don't get to hold her enough becase I get home from work around 7 or 8 at night and there just isn't enough time until bedtime for everyone. Last night I did fall asleep with the daughter on the couch. She was on my chest and slept with me for aoubt two hours.

Keeping finders crossed.