
The shit my 5 year old daughter says

Today my 7 year old daughter walked by in close proximity to my 5 year old daugher as she was going up the stiars.  My 5 year old daughter said "Hey sister!  You smell like vagina."  It was all I could do to contain my laughter.


If Life Was Fair Part 8

If life was fair I wouldn't let so much time elapse before I filter through all my emails.  I haven't done it in about a month and it has taken over 6 hours to categorize and delete the emails.

If Life Was Fair Part 7

If life was fair I would still have enough energy to have the same level of drive towards both my family and my job- lately it has been an unequal balance in favor of the family.  I guess if I don't straighten this shit out it will require even more drive for my family because we will be poor quickly if the business goes in the shitter.