
If Life Was Fair Part 3

If life was fair my three children would pick up after themselves and I wouldn't have a house that bears an uncanny resemblance to a landfill after being detonated by a 3 meagton bomb.

If Life Was Fair Part 2

If life was fair women wouldn't mind if their husbands had several girlfriends and vice versa.



So I am in this foreign country eating some foreign food.  I have been here a lot and eaten this food a lot.  For some reason what I ate last night did not do me right.  I had delicious lobster creps, carpaccio, and arrabiata with fettucini and two excellent dark German weiss beers.  Today my stomach has felt queasy and all I ate was some watermelon and a salad.

Tonight on my way home I sharted.  Ran down my leg and everything.  Quite nasty.  Luckily is was mostly liquid and not enough volume to be noticable to anyone but me.


If life was fair....

I am going to start a series of posts that expresses the dreamworld of life...that utopia that we all dream about... that unachievable... that dream that will never happen.

If life were fair I would be good looking enough for my wife to want to have sex with every night...