
Travelin' Blues or is it Highs?

I have killed both batteries in my laptop. Killed them dead. I use them so much and they go bad after so many discharge/charge cycles. So I have to troll through airports to look for an outlet. I am in the New Orleans airport right now and all of the outlets against the wall with rows of seats are not working. I found a working outlet with a seat just close enough to string my power cord.

Adrienne fell down the steps Sunday- all the way down from the top. She had put on a pair of hard plastic princess slippers that were about 3 sizes too big for her and tripped at the top of the stairs. Thank Freyja kids are small and flexible. She didn't even have a bruise to show for the fall- just a lot of tears.

This trip I met with a gentleman who has invented a product that we are manufacturing. We are at the beginning stages of our relationship and the first shipment will go out today. If all goes well with the manufacturing and delivery, we will add at least 10% to our revenues next year just on this product alone.

There just is not near the quality of eye candy at the New Orleans airport as in Mimai where I layover frequently.

I am hungry.

Asian chicks are hot.

I am really tired.

I remember the old days when I slept the night through every night and if for some reason I did become sleep deprived, all I had to do was wait until the end of the day or the weekend and I could take a nap. That shit doesn't happen any more. If I become sleep deprived it is tough shit now. I have to help take care of kids and when they are napping there is so much shit to do that I can't lay down.

Offspring are the largest time vacuum I could imagine.



Here it is.. 4:00 am on a Friday morning and I can't sleep. I have a board meeting Monday morning for which I am not fully prepared. The month end numbers have yet to be computed and I have to put the finishing touches on the budget for next fiscal year. This week has been pretty much a hellfest.

This week the man who used to be president of my company died suddenly at the wheel of his car on Monday. Luckily his wife who was the passenger was able to get the car stopped without hurting any one. This yesterday afternoon I find out my aunt (my mom's twin) has been given two weeks to live. Damn, life is fragile and right now I have just too much stress! I must hire a CFO to take some of this burden off of me. I have been itnterviewing but have not found the right person yet.


Blogging during business hours!!! Not good.

I despise what Maersk Line has done to me. They have given my company the absolute worst service I could ever hope for. Delayed ships, delayed containers, delayed trucks, terrible website that will not give me the information I need. I vow never to use Maersk Line again. We spend over $300,000 annually with them. You would think that I might get some respect. I cannot wait until our contract ends and will run screaming from them. It is difficult to put a number on what their shitty service has cost me but I am confident that it is well into the tens of thousands of dollars. for a small business that is not chump change. However, I can only assume that we are chump change to Maersk Line.

I had lunch with Lolo today. The school food is NOT TOO GOOD to say the least. I pick up my new used car tomorrow. It is a 2004 Volvo V70R with 80,000 miles. I just like Volvo station wagons.

Stress abounds at work. I need a beer.